One thing I simply don't understand are riots, especially in Los Angeles. I remember when I was six years old during the LA Riots of 1992 and I didn't understand what was going on; all I knew at the time was the feeling of fear. What I don't understand is the fact that if you are upset about something, why would you tear up your own home? You have to live there. Its not going to make a difference, it only make things worse.
Sixteen years later, LA was involved in another riot(though very small in comparison to 1992) over the Lakers winning the Championship. This is extremely stupid and ignorant in my opinion. I understand celebrations, but once again, how to do you destruct your own city? On the news this morning, I seen many people burglarizing stores, vandalizing city buses, and starting fires. That saddens my heart to know that people are that dumb. The next time you want to express your happiness, just go to Happy Hour.