Monday, April 27, 2009

Have I Been Enslaved?

This Morning, I decided to work on some important documents on my Apple MacBook. I was eagarly typing away hoping to get my often radical thoughts into complete sentences. As I began to get lost in the world of written literature, my Apple iPhone began to ring. It was a good friend of mine, asking me about a song that he heard on the radio and wanted to know if I knew exactly who the artist was that performed it. Once he told me the lyrics, I instantly grabbed my Apple iPod and began scrolling through track after track, until I found exactly the song he mentioned. It was at that moment that I realized that I had quite a few APPLE products. I began to think, "when the hell did this happen?"

I had been a PC user for many years and the journey began by me purchasing my first iPOD Nano back in 2005, I instantly fell in love with the structure of its design and this started it all. I eventually became a victim of brand expansion and ended up completely brand loyal to APPLE Products. But this is my question: Do I own Apple Products or does Apple own Me?

-Kevin Dwayne

The Billboard 200